Houston Hero Headquarters
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Phone: 281.650.2816
Russian Spy
American Hero
Iron Hero
Green Light Hero
Captain America uses his shield at a superhero party
Hal Jordan is in the Green Lantern Corps
Light Side Warrior
Dark Side Warrior
Miles Hero
Miles Morales at a superhero party.
Rey is a Jedi in Star Wars
Kylo Ren Dark Side in Star Wars at a Jedi Party
 Captain Marvel is brave at a superhero party
Marvelous Heroine
Wonderful Heroine
Black Widow at a superhero party.
​Personal Healthcare Pal  & Robotics Hero
Hiro and Baymax are superheroes Big Hero 6
Iron Man's suit lights up at a superhero party.
Iron Hero has lots of young fans at superhero parties.
Iron Hero loves meeting Superheroes of all ages.  The Avenging Heroes are a favorite of fans.
Iron Hero explains hero training to boy at a character appearance in Conroe for the Autism Awareness Walk.
Honeylemon loves science parties Big Hero Six
Chemistry Heroine
Our Personal Healthcare Pal, Robotics Hero, and Chemistry Heroine show that science is heroic!  They will demonstrate their science skills for your guests! Ask for a Science Demonstration when you schedule a character appearance.
Our Galaxy Heroes will zoom in from a far away galaxy and train your little heroes with light swords.  They will train with star blasters and learn the ways of their force! Ask for Star Warrior Training when you schedule an appearance. 
Light Side Warrior and Dark Side Warrior have star wars with each other in a galaxy far, far away.
Hugs from young fans are like a Rey of sunshine to Light Side Warrior during  character appearance.
Light Side Warrior and Dark Side Warrior enjoyed a meet and greet at The Melting Pot on Westheimer.
Light Side Warrior teaches young fans how to use the force to push Dark Side Warrior back.
Light Side Warrior and Dark Side Warrior enjoy meeting young fans at a character appearance.
Bat Hero
Superman fun at a Superhero Party
Steel Hero
Batman is The Dark Knight at a superhero party
Wonder Woman fun at a Superhero Party
Green Arrow Superhero
​Green Archer
Dark Canary
Powder Puff Girls
Blossomy, Bubbly and Buttery are sweet and powerful!  Ask for a Science Demonstration and Hero Training when you book a character appearance.
Harley Quinn loves Jokes at a superhero party
Harlequin Vixen
Spider Hero loved cutting up with American Hero and Iron Hero during their appearance on KHOU.
Personal Healthcare Pal is soft and friendly at character appearances.  He is a Big Hero!
Robotics Hero and Personal Healthcare Pal love science demonstrations.  They are educational at a character appearance.
Science Demonstrations will entertain at a superhero party with Robotics Hero and Personal Healthcare Pal.
Children will love the Science Demonstrations with these Big Heroes at a character appearance.
Meet and Greets with pictures is a fun part of a character appearance.  Families can make lasting memories with our Big Hero experience.
Chemistry Heroine and Personal Healthcare Pal loved meeting young superheroes at Wonderwild in There Woodlands at a character appearance.
Our Chemistry Heroine has hair the color of Honeylemons.  She is sweet and smart and caring!  She loves meeting new friends at a superhero appearance.
Wonderful Heroine is known for being strong and caring.  Hero training is a fun experience with her at a party.
Wonderful Heroine and Steel Man Hero loved meeting little superheroes at Wonderwild in The Woodlands.
Poison Ivy loves plants at a superhero party
Ivy Vixen
Jessica Cruz is the newest Green Lantern
Green Light Heroine
Cat Vixen
Catwoman DC superhero party
Spider-Man at a superhero party.
Spider Hero
Black Canary is Strong at a superhero party
Star Warrior
Jedi Knight uses the force at a Star Wars Party
Mad Jokester
The Joker loves pranks at a superhero party
At a character party, Cat Vixen can lead the kids in agility lessons.  Halrquin Vixen can lead the kids in prank lessons!
Lilo and Stitch Party
​Alien Hero and Hawaiian Heroine
​Our Alien Hero and Hawaiian Heroine are lots of Fluffy Fun!  He will lead your guests in blaster training and play fun Hawaiian games and she will teach a hula dance!

Power Puff Girls Bubbles, Blossom, and Buttercup
Star Princess
Princess Leia at a Star Wars Party
Supergirl DC Superhero Girls
Steel Heroine
Red Power Ranger
Ranger Hero
Our Ranger Hero will lead guests in Hero Training and practice his best morphing moves!

Fast Hero
Flash DC Comics
Robin Hero
Robin DC Superheroes
Night Hero
Night Wing Superhero Party
Star Heroine
Starfire DC Superhero Girls
Bumblebee DC Superhero Girls
Bee Heroine
Raven Heroine
Raven DC Comics
Katana DC Superhero GIrls
​Samurai Heroine
Bat Heroine
Batgirl DC Superhero Girls
MJ Heroine
Mary Jane is Spider-Man's Girlfriend
Gwen is Ghost Spider Spider and his amazing Friends
Gwen Heroine
Black Cat is Spider-Man's friend at a kid's party
Dark Cat
Star Smuggler
Han Solo at a Star Wars Party
Jedi Group Star Wars Party
Star Knights
Dark Lord
Darth Vader at a Star Wars Party
Incredible Heroes
Disney The Incredibles
Vanellope Von Schweetz
​Sweet Heroine