At Houston Hero Headquarters, our attentive staff is available Monday through Saturday to answer all of your questions and make sure you are 100% satisfied. Email is the preferred method of communication. [email protected]
An Attendant will accompany the characters to your event.
1 hour with 1 character - $205
1 hour with 2 characters - $285
1 hour with 3 characters - $385
1 hour with 4 characters - $485
1.5 hours with 1 character - $270
1.5 hours with 2 characters - $390
1.5 hours with 3 characters - $515
1.5 hours with 4 characters - 665
2 hours with 1 character - $335
2 hours with 2 characters - $535
2 hours with 3 characters - $735
2 hours with 4 characters - $935
3 hours with 1 character - $435
3 hours with 2 characters - $735
3 hours with 3 characters - $1035
3 hours with 4 characters - $1,335
There will be a fee assessed for travel according to your location. Fees generally range from $10-$40.
Deposits are due at the time of booking and are non-refundable.
Gratuities to the performers are always appreciated if your experience is excellent!